Boardmaker Version 5 Free Download

USING BOARDMAKER 5 FOR SYMBOL SUPPORT (Mac version). It has numerous additional features and is easier to use than the previous version. Boardmaker has become the preferred desktop publishing package that the majority of health professionals, teachers and parents use, as it offers over 3000 colour and black and white (Picture Communication. Boardmaker (version 5) may take longer to print. An important thing to note is that Boardmaker (Version 5) will take longer to print than with the older version 1.x. This is due mostly to the fact that the program is now using metafile technology (i.e. Vectored scalable line.

LessonPix is an online resource to create custom materials for the learning, communication and behavior. Since the Boardmaker software also addresses the same problem, we're often asked how the two stack up.

Boardmaker Version 5 Free Download

While we're certainly not the most objective judges, it's hard to dispute that is now a legitimate alternative to all of the Boardmaker software products.

LessonPix is...


  • Only $36.00 per user for a full year's access
  • Discounts available for Group Licenses

Boardmaker Free Version

Boardmaker Version 5 Free Download

Easy to Use:

  • Just choose your pictures, choose the material template and print
  • Make custom materials in minutes! Check out our 2-minute Demo!

Available Anywhere:

  • Our Cloud Delivery model means each user can access their account from any PC, Mac, iPad or other device.
  • Connect from anywhere on the internet.
  • There is no CD to lose, no software to install, and it is always up-to-date.
  • Mobile version user-friendly from your phone

Feature Comparison

'Boardmaker requires installation that ties an SLP down. I love that I can access LessonPix from anywhere, anytime I need materials.'

Boardmaker version 5

-Katie M., MEd SLP, Alaska

'I Love LessonPix because it is easier to use than Boardmaker. I don't need a CD to use it and I can import the images easily into other documents. LessonPix does everything that I need for my therapy sessions.'

-Mary H. MS, CCC-SLP, North Dakota

Is LessonPix a better alternative to BoardmakerĀ® software for your group?

Not everyone will benefit from switching, but if you're looking to reduce your costs and save hours of time making materials, we're worth a look: thousands of users in over 56 countries have, and they love it!

Boardmaker Version 5 Free Download Pc

Want to find out if your group is a good candidate? Contact our Licensing Specialists for a detailed assessment, estimate, and relevant references from groups just like yours who have switched to for their visuals and symbol needs.

Boardmaker online, free download


Call us today at (727) 437-2465 or email for more details.

Boardmaker Free Trial Download

BoardmakerĀ® is a registered trademark of DynaVox Systems, LLC.