Lost Bikini In Pool

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The curvy Missouri mom ejected from a water park for wearing bikini bottoms deemed to be inappropriate has found an outpouring of support on social media. Ebru's bikini top falls off after she trips during the ocean challenge on The Bachelor Share this video: Ebru loses her bikini top while running into the ocean.


Our family (mom, dad, son 10yo, daughter7yo) has a backyard pool. WE are kind of inconsistent in what we are comfortable wearing or not wearing in the pool. My daughter and I always wear swimsuits. My son likes skinny dipping and my wife usually wears just a bikini bottom when its just family around for swimming and tanning. Everyone is comfortable with each other's choice in swim attire.However, we have found there's quite a difference in other people's attitude toward nudity in the pool. My wife got a neighbor wife upset when she let my son and 3 other boys (include the neighbor's son) go skinny dipping in our pool. The neighbor thought it was' indecentt' and was even more upset that our daughter was present when it happened. It was not a big deal for our daughter as she has seen her brother naked for years. One of the other mothers was not concerned at all about it and said 'boys will be boys'.
My wife has a girlfriend who often comes over to swim and tan. The girlfriend goes topless like my wife, even when my son is around and this seems very normal to my son who isn't bothered by it. The girlfriend has suggested to my wife that they drop the bikini bottoms and go for an all. over tan. My wife said that's beyond her comfort zone when the kids are around

My son is 8 yo. His best friend is an 8yo whose mother was throwing him a birthday party. My wife is a good friend of his mother and agreed to help her with the party. About 10 boys showed up for the party. After several activities and cake, the mom told the boys they could go skinny dipping in the pool. Most of the boys stripped and went in the pool butt naked. A couple of boys jumped in in their underwear. The only females present were the hostess, her 12 year old daughter, and my wife. Several of the moms complained to the hostess about this activity and said it was inappropriate. My wife said it was kind of funny and didn't object to our son joining in. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It turned out that their family skinny dips together in the family pool. The wife told my wife that while they have only skinny dipped with the immediate family, but asked if we'd we interested in joining them some time because our kids are such good friends. My wife said definitely no, she wouldn't be comfortable going naked in front of the kids.

I'm a mom in her early 30's with an 8 yo boy and a 6 1/2yo girl. My best girlfriend has kids about the same ages and sexes as mine. She just told me that she and her husband are putting in a backyard pool this winter that will be ready for swimming as soon as warm days return next spring. She says she wants us to be frequent guests at the pool and that (1) it will be fun for the kids and (2) give her and me an opportunity to get all over tans without swim suits giving us tan lines. I told her that that sounds like fun but obviously we can't have the kids playing in the pool and us nude sunbathing at the same time. She replied why not and the kids can skinny dip too? This is a little out of my comfort zone. We're fairly casual about nudity at home, mainly in the bathroom. I used to shower with the kids and still occasionally jump in the shower to give them a shampoo. My son and daughter sometime shower together. I once went topless at the beach on a vacation in Spain and enjoyed it but the occasion hasn't presented itself again. I'm not sure how I would feel about being completely nude in front of my friend's 9 yo son or her husband. I don't know whether to tell her that we can't do it her way or suggest a compromise like, let's just drop our tops but not the bottoms

Lost Bikini Top

I would skinny dip if we had our own pool .I raised my kids nudist so being naked with the kids has never been a problem and even some of their friends have stripped down when they visit our home . I often get told that they wished their parents were as cool as us .nakedrhode@gmail.com

My family and my girl friend's are very close. Our husbands are best friends. We started topless sunbathing and finally got relaxed about doing it when the rest of our families around, even with the kids present. She has 3 and I have 2, all 10YO and under. So the 2 families getting together around the pool with us 2 moms in just bikini bottoms is nothing unusual for us. Recently she invited my husband and me to a pool party she was giving with some work colleagues. She's a creative person at an ad agency. She said bikini tops weren't required and that a female colleague and the wife of another colleague planned to be topless at the party as did she. I wasn't sure whether I'd be comfortable being topless in front of strangers. My husband and I discussed it and he said it was my decision but he was OK if I followed the 'when in Rome....' maxim. I went to the party in my full bikini. My friend and the 2 other women were topless, I and the other 4 women had our tops on. After about an hour I decided to take my top off and a short time thereafter another previously covered lady dropped her top also. Everyone seemed comfortable with the situation.Then something surprising happened. I has standing in the pool talking to a male colleague of my friend. His wife, who was also topless, came up behind him and pulled his swimtrunks down exposing his $%!@. His wife threw his swimsuit out of the pool leaving him completely nude. The girls gave a big cheer. He then swam over to another topless woman and pulled her bottom off and threw it out of the pool. This game went on for a few minutes. Another guy got pantsed and two more women ended up having their bottoms ripped off, one of whom wasn't topless but was left wearing just her bikini top. I got out of the pool after the third pantsing, not wanting to get pantsed without my husband's permission. I found that I really enjoyed the hijinks as did all the participants. I asked my husband afterwards how he would have felt if I had had my bikini bottom forceably taken off. He said he enjoyed watching the game but wasn't sure how he would have felt if I had been the one getting completely stripped. Nothing really happened after the game. The pantsed individuals put their bottoms back on.My friend is giving another party for the same group in a couple of weeks and is inviting us again. She thought the pantsing game was a hoot and plans to pants one of the other guys in the group at the next party and hopes she gets panted too. Herhusband is OK with this. I really want to participate and am going to tell my husband that and see how he feels about it in another week.

A Chilean TV reporter had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction after a wave washed over her pulling her bikini top down during a live broadcast. Courtesy: National Television of Chile/Good Morning Everyone

Oh dear ... Lucky Bernardita Middleton’s back was turned away from the camera. Picture: TVN

A TV reporter has had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction on live television when her bikini top came off in the surf.

Bernardita Middleton, a Chilean TV presenter, was dared by her colleagues to take a dip in the notoriously chilly water in the coastal town of Reñaca, reported the Mirror UK.

Lost Bikini In Pool

Fortunately Middleton, who had a hunch she would be dared to go in, was wearing a strapless bikini underneath her outfit but it wasn’t exactly suitable for the conditions.

“In truth I wasn’t going to go in the water, the bandeau bikini was a recent present, but I didn’t attach the straps to keep it in place because I had them on my top,” she said.

Lost Bikini

After being dunked by a wave and nearly losing her dignity Middleton managed to shield her assets from the camera and laugh about it later, reported the Mirror.

Lost Swimsuit In Pool

“In Renaca the waves are very mischievous and it always happens. You just have to turn around pull up your bikini top and get on with it,” she said.