Xdxf Dictionaries

Fora Dictionary Pro is an offline dictionary, thesaurus, and translation program. It allows StarDict, XDXF, DSL, DICTD, and TSV/Plain format dictionaries accessed off-line, quickly and easily. Features: Suggestions Import/Export from shared folder, internet URL, or peer app running on another device/computer.

  1. Xdxf Dictionary
  2. Xdxf English Dictionaries

Fora Dictionary is a viewer application for dictionaries in StarDict, DSL, XDXF, Dictd, and TSV/Plain formats ¹. Features:. Suggestions. Searches ignoring case, diacritics, and punctuation. Wildcard search. Fuzzy search. Full-text search. DICT protocol client. In-page popup translator. History and word list. Customization options Help and Support:. https://fora. Install Dictionaries in Windows: Use WinRAR to extract the.tar.bz2 file, which you get a directory, then move this directory to the dic, such as C:Program filesstardictdic dictd-www.dict.org.

Fora Dictionary Pro is a dictionary viewer.

Xdxf dictionaries word


  • Fast and fully offline operation
  • Compatibility with StarDict, DSL, XDXF, Dictd, and TSV/Plain dictionaries
  • Typing friendly search with case, diacritics, and punctuation tolerance
  • Fuzzy search
  • Full-text search
  • In-page popup translator
  • History and bookmarks


PlatformApplicationVersionRequirementsLicenseApp Store
ForaFX.jar26.5Oracle Java 8FreewareN/A
ForaDictionaryPro.apk26.5Android 4.4 or laterDonationware[1]
N/A26.5iOS/iPadOS 9.0 or later$4
UpdatesChange Log
ChecksumsMD5 or SHA-256

1. We request happy users of the app's Android version also purchase it's iOS/iPadOS version using the link above.



Disclaimer: The installable packages above are provided for the sole purpose of demonstrating the application's essential viewing functionality. The author of the application hereby rejects any and all liability for the contents of the packages.


Fora Dictionary Pro is compatible with the following dictionary/file types:

  • StarDict dictionaries (*.idx)
  • DSL dictionaries (*.dsl)
  • XDXF dictionaries (*.xdxf)
  • Dictd dictionaries (*.index)
  • TSV/Plain dictionaries (*.txt, *.dic)

Setting up dictionaries

  • Connect your mobile device to your computer.
  • Copy dictionary files to the app's documents/files folder on device. See Android or iOS help for details.
  • Select dictionary index file as listed in the compatibility section above (or an archive of it) using 'Import Dictionary' option of the 'Manage' menu.
  • Attach resource ZIP files (if any) using 'Attach ZIP' option of the dictionary menu. (optional)
  • Edit properties of dictionary such as visible name using 'Edit Properties' option of the dictionary menu. (optional)
  • Create full-text search index of dictionary using 'Upgrade' option of the dictionary menu. (optional)
  • Create profiles to group and organize dictionaries. (optional)

Resource files

Resource files of a dictionary can be put into multiple ZIP files with the following properties:
i) Classic (non-ZIP64) ZIP file type
ii) Flat (no sub-directories) file structure
iii) Maximum 65,535 files per ZIP file
Use 'Attach ZIP' from dictionary menu to copy and attach ZIP files to a dictionary.

Full-text search

The app supports searching full-text of all dictionaries for exact matches. The feature requires one-time upgrading of a dictionary which can take very long time to complete, since every single word anywhere on the dictionary is made searchable during the process.

Synchronizing between devices

Copying/moving dictionaries between devices is done using one of the two available methods:

  • 'Export Dictionary' to a *.zip file on the first device and then 'Import Dictionary' that *.zip file on the second
  • Copy/move whole '.fora' or '.foradictionary' folder or individual dictionary folders using a file manager

Import from URL

Automated importing of dictionaries from URL is no longer available. Follow the following steps to import dictionaries from URL:
i) On your computer, enter the URL on your web browser and download the file.
ii) Connect your mobile device to your computer and copy the downloaded file to the app's documents/files folder on device. See Android or iOS help for details.
iii) Open the app, select 'Import Dictionary' from 'Manage' menu, select the file, and proceed.

Search types


There are five kinds of searches you can perform on dictionaries.

  • Regular search: Shows results exactly matching the query.
  • Extended matching search: Shows results matching the query with case, diacritics, and punctuations ignored. Suggestions include in-phrase and phonetic matches.
  • Full-text search: Shows list of articles containing exact matches of the query. The scope of search is not limited to headwords and includes all text in all articles (definitions, synonyms, examples, etc).
  • Fuzzy search: Shows list of articles most similar to the query. The search works like a spell checker for words you're not sure how it's written/spelled.
  • Wildcard search: Shows list of articles that match the criteria set with a wildcard query.

Troubleshooting and FAQ

Q: I bought an offline dictionary, can I use it in Fora Dictionary Pro?
A: Probably, no. Most standalone dictionaries have it's own proprietary data format incompatible with general-purpose dictionaries. You need dictionary data in one of the supported formats.
Q: Suggestions are slow when a lot of dictionaries are installed.
A: Unlike traditional search auto-completion, the app performs a complete search and matching of the query (e.g. occurrences in multi-word phrases) on all dictionaries in profile when suggestions are activated. Grouping dictionaries into smaller sets based on usage context using profiles may be helpful.
Q: I can't find the dictionary I need or the dictionary isn't displayed properly when searching.
A: Importing the dictionary using the latest version of the app or using alternate formats may be helpful.
Q: I can’t find the '.fora' folder.
A: Probably it is considered hidden. Please use a third-party file manager such as: muCommander
Q: How do I uninstall Fora Dictionary Pro from my Android device completely?
A: The application stores settings and dictionary data on the external storage, hence, you will need to manually delete the '.fora' folder there to clean up after uninstallation.
Q: How do I uninstall Fora Dictionary Pro from my computer completely?
A: The application stores dictionary data and settings separate from it’s app folder. After deleting the app, you must also delete the folder named “.foradictionary” and the file named “.fdconfig” in current user’s home folder (for example, C:Users<username>.foradictionary on Windows or /Users/<username>/.foradictionary on Mac). If you can’t see the folder or file, you can use a file manager, e.g. muCommander.
Q: Why is Fora Dictionary Pro cheaper on Android than iOS/iPadOS?
A: Cost of both developing for the platform and maintaining of an app in the marketplace is different on the two platforms and hence we reflect the difference in pricing the app.

Android 10+

Shared/external storage mechanism known as the SD-card has been retired starting with Android 10. The operating system now enforces all apps use it's sandboxed folder for all it's app data. If you upgrade your device to Android 10+, you may need to copy/move and replace '.fora' folder from your device's shared storage to the app's sandboxed folder (typically Android/data/com.ngc.fora.android/files) using a file manager.

Fora Dictionary

Fora Dictionary Pro is a cross-platform (i.e. working on various operating systems) version of Fora Dictionary and is fully data compatible with it. Auxiliary features such as deep customization and operating system integration are not available yet since the app works across different operating systems. Please note that we have retained and improved all essential dictionary viewer features like various search options and the in-page popup translator.

Known limitations

  • Slow importing: The app converts every dictionary to it's own cross-platform format and sometimes this conversion takes very long time. Some big dictionaries require this conversion be done on a powerful desktop computer, and some bigger dictionaries take long time even on a powerful desktop computer.
  • Limited on-device upgrades: The optimization of full-text search upgrade is not available on mobile devices due to cross-platform memory management implementation and greedy nature of the operation. This setup-only limitation doesn't affect any usage features on any device.
  • No embedded player: The app doesn't play resource files itself, but uses the device's default media player. The default player determines which kinds of files can be played.

For developers

Integration with other apps or the operating system is briefly described here.

So, lately (a couple years ago actually) I have been extremely pissed with the lack of good English dictionaries on the net, and especially on eBook Readers.
See, I used to own an Onyx Boox a long time ago when eReaders were still a novelty. On my defunct Onyx, we could copy/paste dictionaries in StarDict format somewhere in there, and then we could use them while reading a book. Pretty awesome. StarDict dictionaries are lying around on the interwebz and it was easy to grab a few of them 'free of charge.' If you know I mean. Then we could also convert some old Babylon dictionaries to StarDict (that is before Babylon switched to a more locked down format).
Life was almost good. But then lately my Onyx broke the fuck down, and its battery became very erratic. So I bought a PocketBook Lux 3 (626) last week.

Xdxf Dictionary

This new eReader is pretty awesome. No Android OS there sure, but seriously, this home made Linux OS is very well made. Better than the one from Onyx actually IMHO.
Well anyway, there is only ONE thing that was grinding my gears (and balls):
Even though we can put our own dictionaries in there, it only support ABBYY dictionaries. And these are much less common. So for once in my lifetime, I was ready to BUY a dictionary on their shit Polish platform or whatnot. But the issue is that the available dictionaries are simply SHIT. I mean, they don't have my lovely American Heritage 4th Edition. Therefore, yeah, they are SHIT.
Doesn't matter some Russian dudes made an XDXF to ABBYY converter. It's right there, hosted by me because... just because.
So... since I was really pissed lately (for a couple years) because of the lack of availability of various dictionaries -- whether for eReaders or even on the net in general -- I decided to hack something myself.
The idea is the following:
Creating the American Heritage in an XDXF format which can then be converted in any other format by the smart people on the interwebz.

Xdxf English Dictionaries

Except that, instead of the AA 4th edition, I simply hacked dictionary.com and transformed it in an offline XDXF version.
Because, as I recall, dictionary.com was using the AA dictionary a long time ago. Then something changed and they moved to the Random House publishing company. But they were still providing the same dictionaries. And then dictionary.com became its own shit, and its own dictionary. So that's the one you will be downloading below.
So I managed to convert dictionary.com to an XDXF. But, I couldn't convert it to the ABBYY format using the Russian's dudes tool. I may work on that later.

Here is the XDXF file (547,620 KB unpacked):

For coders: go there and learn how to do what I did by yourself and get the source code of everything.
For free. So go and do it.

As for the legality of this whole thing, well, it's not. And I don't give a fuck.
So I advise you to download the stuff on this page even faster, and then to hide them somewhere very deep.
Now I need to convert that huge XDXF into an ABBY format... gotta think about that.