Scrolling Combat Text Wow


  • Version 5.7.151 is updated to work with Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0.1, this version is also rolled out to support Classic 5.7.151-Classic.
  • Version 5.7.148 is updated to work with Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1.
  • Version 5.7.144 is updated to work with Legion Patch 7.0.3.

MikScrollingBattleText (MSBT) for Classic (quickfix by DaMaGepy) Simiar to Blizzard's scrolling texts but configurable. If you see somewhere in the settings 'unknown' events or spells, just delete them, they probably leftovers from Legion or BFA To open config window: /msbt. 1.0.0 Version 761 Download 286.61 KB File Size 1 File Count February 9, 2018 Create Date February 9, 2018 Last Updated A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events. A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc) as scrolling text above you character model, much like what already happens above your target. This makes it so you do not have to watch (or use) your regular combat chat window and gives it a 'Final Fantasy' feel. Floating Combat Text addon - anyone have a favorite? So I'm messing around and trying 4 pc fire with no combustion glyph just to see how far I can push things with combustion every 36 seconds. Anyway, I really don't dislike Combustion helper, but in the past I have actually performed better just gut checking my ignite with pyro crits. Scrolling Combat Text. DKPminus is an enthusiast site for fans of legacy versions of World of Warcraft. We’ve compiled up to date and accurate information for WoW private servers, we have a robust list of compatible WoW addons, and a list of comprehensive World of Warcraft guides!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Before posting a question, please see the FAQ list at MSBT's portal site.


MSBT is designed to be an extremely lightweight, efficient, and highly configurable mod that makes it easier to see combat information by scrolling the information on the screen in separate, dynamically creatable scroll areas. It is a replacement for Blizzard's Floating Combat Text and Damage output.


  • Lightweight and efficient design.
  • Scroll incoming damage/heals, outgoing damage/heals, and notifications in separate configurable scroll areas on the playing field.
  • Display player and pet cooldown completion alerts.
  • Display loot alerts with a total of how many are now in inventory.
  • Add triggers that will allow you to show notifications based on a variety of conditions.
  • Assign a sound file to play for events/triggers.
  • Dynamically create new scroll areas and assign any event/trigger to them.
  • Customize the position, size, animation style, enabled state, font style, font size, font outline, and opacity for each of the scroll areas.
  • Customize each individual event's color, font style, font size, font outline, opacity, output message, enabled state, and scroll area.
  • Set 'Master Font' settings that will be inherited by all of the scroll areas and the events in them unless they are overridden at the scroll area or event level.
  • Merge AoE data into one event with cumulative damage/healing done with number of normal and crits specified.
  • Show overhealing amounts against yourself or party/raid members.
  • Color unit names according to their class.
  • Color damage amounts according to damage type.
  • Show partial effects (resists, absorbs, vulnerabilities, etc) colored according to type.
  • Filter output information with a full suite of spam controls.
  • Load on demand options.
  • For mod developers:
    • Output your own scrolling messages with the MikSBT.DisplayMessage function instead of having to create your own frame and animation code. You can also use your own font by first registering it with MSBT via the MikSBT.RegisterFont function.
    • Create custom animation styles.
    • See the included API.html file for reference information.

Supported Events:

Scrolling Combat Text Wow
  • Incoming:
    • Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, and Immunes
    • Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, Reflects, and Interrupts
    • Spell Resists
    • Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
    • Pet Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, and Immunes
    • Pet Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, and Immunes
    • Pet Spell Resists
    • Pet Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
    • Environmental Damage
Scrolling combat text wow options
  • Outgoing:
    • Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
    • Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, Reflects, Interrupts, and Evades
    • Spell Resists and Buff Dispels
    • Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
    • Pet Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
    • Pet Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
    • Pet Spell Resists and Buff Dispels
    • Pet Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
  • Notification:
    • Buffs / Buff Stacks / Buff Fades
    • Debuffs / Debuff Stacks / Debuff Fades
    • Item Buffs / Item Buff Fades
    • Enter/Leave Combat
    • Power Gains and Losses
    • Alternate Power Gains and Losses
    • Chi Gains and Chi Full
    • Combo Point Gains and Combo Points Full
    • Holy Power Changes and Holy Power Full
    • Honor Gains
    • Reputation Gains and Losses
    • Skill Gains
    • Experience Gains
    • Killing Blows (Player and NPC)
    • Extra Attacks
    • Soul Shard Creation
    • Enemy Buff Gains
    • Monster Emotes
    • Player, Pet, and Item Cooldown Completions
  • Loot
    • Looted Items
    • Money Gains
  • Default Triggers:
    • All Relevant Classes – Low Health, Low Mana, Low Pet Health
    • Death Knight – Killing Machine, Rime, Shadow Infusion x5
    • Druid – Berserk, Clearcasting, Predator's Swiftness, Shooting Stars
    • Hunter – Kill Shot, Lock and Load
    • Mage – Brain Freeze, Clearcasting, Fingers of Frost, Missile Barrage
    • Monk- Elusive Brew x5, x10, x15, Mana Tea x20, Vital Mists x5
    • Paladin – Hammer of Wrath, The Art of War
    • Priest – Clearcasting, Shadow Orb x3
    • Rogue – Blindside
    • Shaman – Clearcasting, Lava Surge, Maelstrom Weapon x5, Tidal Waves
    • Warlock – Decimation, Molten Core, Nightfall
    • Warrior – Bloodsurge, Execute, Revenge, Sudden Death, Taste for Blood, Victory Rush

How To Turn On Scrolling Combat Text Wow


/msbtShows the options interface.
/msbt resetResets the current profile to the default settings.
/msbt disableDisables the mod.
/msbt enableEnables the mod.
/msbt versionShows the current version.
/msbt helpShows the command usage.

Version History:

See version history as MSBT's portal site.

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